Saturday, 28 November 2009

Car Seat Accessories

Graco is the household name in juvenile products. Graco car seats are perhaps the most popular on the market, thanks to their safety and economical pricing. Graco car seats and strollers are the undisputed best sellers in the world -- you can't go to the mall or zoo without seeing at least two. carries a full range of Graco car seats, travel system strollers, and Graco accessories like the Snuglider.

The Graco SnugRide is their most renowned infant car seat thanks to the easy-to-use stay-in-car base and compatibility with a wide range of Graco strollers. If you're looking for a higher harness weight limit, be sure to check out the Graco SnugRide 32. The SnugRide 32 has an extra-safe 32 lb/32" limit. For a complete on-the-go package, try a Graco SnugRide travel system.

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